
Booking my Korea Trip

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

I don't really travel a lot but I've been told by several tarot card readers (and recently by my soul card reader) that I will be traveling this year. So when the next seat sale by Cebu Pacific came out in a tweet, my officemate persuaded me to book tickets to Seoul, South Korea.

I've never been to Korea but I've always been intrigued by their culture. They are now one of the developed countries in the world. They have amazing castles and good technology too! I am more excited to experience their Internet speed - 54mbps - which is the fastest in the entire world according to Speedtest.com.

Plus, I've been wanting to find out why a lot of Koreans travel to the Philippines. Aside from the weather and learning English, why would you leave such an amazing place?

We bought the tickets back in January. Unfortunately, some drama got in the way and I will
now be traveling solo. Not a problem though because I would rather travel alone than get stressed the entire trip. I don't need that while on vacation. I am glad that I am still communicating with this former employee from our company who is now based in Seoul. I'll meet with her so I can figure out where to go and what to expect.

Cebu Pacific always comes out with these seat sale announcements on Facebook and Twitter so it's better to follow them to get updates. I don't really recommend booking on any random day without a seat sale because the tickets can be twice as much as what I got them for. Someone at work got hers for Php16,000 and mine was only for less than Php 5,000.

I will be blogging more about this trip in the next few days and hopefully you won't get bored. Forgive me because I am just so freaking excited about it!

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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