
Get your discounts

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A few weeks ago, I did some random shopping at Gateway Mall in Cubao. I bought a wallet at this clothing store (which is ironic because it's a jeans store but I thought their wallets are much better than any of the clothes) and was repeatedly asked to buy one more item. She said if I reach P3000 worth of accumulated purchases, I'll get a discount. I looked around and politely said 'No thank you.'

Little did I know that the wallet alone with give me a discount card (forgot the worth). Still, it was to be used for my next purchase at their store so I said that's okay I won't claim it. I was surprised when this nice lady asked my permission if she could avail of the discount instead. I said, sure! What an honest saleslady.

This was totally different from my experience at this store in SM Mall of Asia where I bought a considerable amount of items - clothes and pants. While paying for the items, I noticed a few ads on the shelves for several promotions. Get a ticket when you buy this much. Get that when you buy more.

Now unlike the woman at Gateway, the men and women at this store just stood there and didn't even inform me of these promos. I checked the promo duration and they're definitely still on. I also noticed two of the attendants looking quite excited. Did my total amount earn them a Barkada trip to IMAX?

For some reason, I did not ask for the discount. I just thought that would be my last act of charity to these pathetic attendants.

And certainly the last purchase at that store. And boy, they're gonna miss my money.

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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