
Submitting my Korean Visa Requirements

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

I've never really applied for a Korean visa before so I was nervous when I found out that South Korea requires Filipinos to get a Korean visa. Kinda ironic I thought because there are so many Koreans here in Manila yet they're limiting the number of Filipino travelers to their country. Later I found out, it wasn't so hard to get one after all!

For first-timers like me, I had difficulty getting the most accurate information. When trying to find out what the requirements are, I get different answers from each person I ask. So if you're a first-time traveler (emphasis on first-time because frequent travelers do not need as much requirements as we do), you're lucky to have found this blog entry!

Here's what they need for first-time travelers:

- passport (duh!) plus a photocopy
- certificate of employment
- bank certificate (not to be confused with a bank STATEMENT)
- company ID plus a photocopy
- Income tax return (with complete signature)
- passport size photo 1pc
- application form (can be downloaded from their website and also available at the Embassy)

The Embassy of South Korea is along the C5 entrance of McKinley Hill. Remember that the submission of requirements is only from 9:00-11:00am. Claiming of visas is from 2:00-4:00pm. It takes 5 business days to process this but I heard it's shorter for frequent travelers.

One caveat: you better be early because there are also a lot of people who want visas to Korea. You're not the only one who bought tickets on sale! Arriving 1 hour before they open is ideal, I think. Bring an extra ID, which you will deposit at the entrance when you log in.

Just a few reminders: Korean consuls (according to the guards) can be quite...irritable. They hate it when applicants slouch or use their cellphones or even take photos inside the embassy. You don't want your application to be denied because you were on the phone with your partner.

Lastly, bring lots of patience! The wait is much longer than the actual conversation with the consul. In my case I waited for an hour outside and an hour inside the embassy before my number was called. Gave the consul my documents, then gave her my sweetest smile. Then she gave me a claim slip.

My trip is in two days and I cannot wait! I'm sure there will be loads of stuff to blog about!

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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