Trip to Vancouver - Day 1

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I was extremely fortunate to be a part of business trip to Vancouver, Canada. It was very short yet very memorable. I'll tell you why in a separate post. First, I have to say, I love the weather in Vancouver! The temperature was quite okay (16-18 degrees Celcius during the day, up to 9 degrees at night). I mean, it's bearable for someone who lives in a tropical country.

We flew with Philippine Airlines. The plane was packed and for a 12-hour flight, that was terrible. I was a bit disappointed because I was expecting more legroom but hey, we flew on economy class so I can't complain. I didn't get to sleep. I had a few catnaps though. I was so uncomfortable the entire flight and I was kinda pissed because I got the aisle instead of the window. Bummer. Thank God for my iPad. It managed to keep me insane for 12 freaking hours. It's my first time to fly out of Asia so I am not used to this type of long haul flight.

As soon as we landed, our very gracious tour guide and friend took us to Granville Island. It's funny because a few weeks before our trip, I was watching a group of drunken women on 'The Real Housewives of Vancouver'. The episode featured someone's birthday at Granville Island. It was pretty surreal seeing the actual place.

Then we went to the massive Stanley Park. It's one of THE biggest parks I've seen in my life. The Vancouver Aquarium was there and so were the popular Totem Poles. I gasped at the sight of shirtless men jogging as if the temperature was in the 30's (Celsius). And they were complaining that it's too hot!

We also went to another part of the park which is Prospect Point. I was so amazed by the colorful flowers. Like a little child in the candy store, my eyes were wide open and my camera was clicking for almost an hour until my battery gave up.

It was a great first day. Our hotel was okay. Food was great. Vancouver, I am in love with you.

*** More photos on

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