
Boxing prep

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I've said it so many times: boxing is my chosen exercise yet I haven't really started doing it. An officemate was kind enough to let me borrow her boxing gloves some months ago but I haven't used them. I tried biking and that is now more of a leisure activity than exercise.

I guess the realization happened when I went shopping in Seoul and I couldn't find anything in my size. I have not really been addressing the fact that I really haven't been feeling well since I put on more weight. Climbing the stairs feels like a struggle. Now I am obliged to buy new clothes since some of my clothes no longer fit me.

So yesterday I dropped by the newly renovated Elorde Boxing Gym on Taft Avenue to see if I can finally put this fitness plan into action. There's a 1000 pesos membership fee and a 250 pesos per session fee. Non-members still get to workout for 350 bucks.

The price may be kinda steep but I figured I will be doing this every other day anyway so I won't really be paying a lot - at least that's the plan.

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