Google+: First Encounter
Thursday, July 14, 2011I finally got a Google+ invite this week, thanks to a former officemate. I was so excited to see what Google has in store for social media addicts like me. I am not going to attempt to write a review or a quick tour. Rather, I am going to let you know about my first encounter with this new social network.
Google wants to basically rule the world. They don't want people to go to Google products and not elsewhere. Google+ does that. Everything from email, calendar, documents, photos and even my Blogger account can be accessed and shared with anyone I want.
The only problem with that is your albums on Picasa (soon to be renamed Google Photos according to reports) were all uploaded onto my Google+ account. Even the silly photos I uploaded on my blog to accompany my entries were displayed on my profile with the option of controlling who it should be visible to.
And since I am a first-timer and an idiot, I deleted one of the albums on Picasa, ignoring the warning that says the photos will be deleted from all the Google products I use - which includes this blog! That's why if you've been here before, you will see some missing photos. I will try to upload them this weekend.
I think my favorite feature so far is 'Circles' which lets you organize your contacts easily. Facebook should actually have this because it's hard to tick names through the privacy settings whenever you upload photos that are not for public consumption.
I mean let's face it... not everyone on our friends' list are actually our REAL 'friends'.
I haven't played around with Google+ enough to share more. I will write more about it later.
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