'The Dark Knight' Breaks Box-Office Records

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight fever is still hot as ice. It continues to break box-office records! As of this writing, it set a one-day box-office record of $66.4 Million on its opening day, making other superhero movies look like poor straight-to-DVD losers. It also knocked out Star Wars: Episode III -- The Revenge of the Sith for gathering $18.5 million on midnight screenings. So many people want to see this film that they're even opening seats at 3AM in some cities. That's definitely hot!

I am eager to see how people would rate this movie. I've written about how I loved the depth of the story. Perez Hilton said he 'liked it but didn't love it'. He added that the movie was 'too dark' and not 'superheroey'.

What's your take on the movie?

*Photo and box-office figures from Wall Street Journal Online

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