
Fantasia Vs. Charice: Who nailed it?

Monday, June 09, 2008

My favorite American Idol single is 'I believe'. I thought it was so brilliant when Fantasia sang it. It was written for her. Well, the encore performance of Diana DeGarmo was also good but Fantasia definitely nailed it that night. I've been watching both performances lately and noticed that they both have some weaknesses when they sang the song. For one, I don't get the husky sound coming from Fantasia's voice. It's like Macy Gray singing on AI. As for Diana DeGarmo, her voice was a bit forced and it didn't sound right.

It's interesting that after 4 more seasons, some people still look at these performances on YouTube and comment on who really deserved to win. A lot of people seem to be on Fantasia's camp. One comment caught my attention though. The Youtube member said Charice Pempengco also sang this song and said she did a lot better than Fantasia or Diana. Here's the clip. Let me know which side you're on:

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