
Sleep Debt is Rising

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I got so scared one time when my boss almost caught me sleeping. You see, work has been pretty easy these past few days and I am getting a bit bored. (And yes, I told my boss that too.) So what I do, instead of eating during my one-hour break, is to catch some sleep in the sleeping quarters. I tried to set the alarm but was afraid that I'd piss the other people off so I just hoped that my body clock would give me a good kick in the head after exactly 60 minutes.

I woke up to the vibrating sound of my cellphone which slipped out of my pocket. My boss was trying to call me! I didn't bother responding because I was too freaking scared to say that I was just sleeping. So I went back to my desk inconspicuously and just pretended like I've been working for hours.

Thanks to Jessica Zafra for sharing this article.

I think I am suffering from serious Sleep Debt. Here's what I would usually do after work:

-log on to the internet
-check mail
-do my Pay-Per-Click habit
-do my 2nd Pay-Per-Click habit
-check for opportunities on Pay-Per-Post sites
-shameless plugging of my blog on other blogs and sites
-check for more opportunites on Pay-per-post sites
-try to exercise
-check more mail
-finally sleep

As a result, I've only been getting an average of 4 hours of sleep everyday. Not bad considering that when I was younger, I could go on without any sleep. But then I forgot that age does have a lot to do with how my body can handle pressure.

The article does not lie: Studies show that such short-term sleep deprivation leads to a foggy brain, worsened vision, impaired driving, and trouble remembering. Long-term effects include obesity, insulin resistance, and heart disease.

The good news though, is that like any debt, it CAN be repaid by taking an extra hour of sleep just to catch up and recharge my batteries.

Sigh... I'm am aging fast. Fast. Fast. Fast.

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