
Mariah Day on AI

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wow, this is pretty exciting! Fortunately, Q-11 will have replays of the AI episodes for this week so I will be able to watch the Mariah Carey day on American Idol. Thank goodness for YouTube I have these videos. Which one's your fave rendition?

David Cook does 'Always be my baby'

Carly Smithson does 'Without You'

David Archuleta does 'When You Believe'

I was quickly looking for Ramiele's video then it suddenly occurred to me that she was already eliminated hehehe... Sayang! She would have done a phenomenal job. But with the remaining 7 finalists, I thought David Cook was the real winner. He added drama and a smidgen of rock effect to one of my Mariah favorites. It was so dramatic I almost cried while listening to the song... ewan! I heard kasi that he dedicated the song to his brother who is battling a serious disease. Dramz...

I thought Carly Smithson was also great. I have to agree with Simon that it's pretty predictable that David Archuleta picked 'When You Believe'. The kid's got the diva thing going! Haha!

As for the others: Jason Castro's number was charming as usual. He should thank his parents for his nice eyes. Without them, he would have been eliminated weeks ago. Charm baby charm. Brooke White was trying hard to be dramatic. The song is pretty dramatic but we didn't see that in the end. Syesha Mercado, on the other hand, did not quite pull off her inner Mariah. I was expecting more from this girl. She did hit the high notes but there was something missing there.

As for Kristie Lee Cook: YOU HAVE TO GO! NOW!

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